Tippet Rise embraces a new beginning with a sold-out season

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It’s no surprise that Tippet Rise Art Center near Fishtail is already fully booked for the season! This treasure in the Beartooth Mountain foothills opened for the summer season on June 10 and hosts a new season of music, hiking, biking & guided tours following a difficult two years. The Montana Free Press sent me on assignment to cover the challenges and successes the arts organization has endured throughout the pandemic and beyond.

There’s so much going on here behind the scenes, and I caught up with Montana Shakespeare in the Parks that day, as they were hosting K-8th grade students composing poetry and learning the joys of Shakespeare in this wild place.

Though the season is technically sold-out, tickets for concerts that become available through cancellations are offered during the week of each the concert at tippetrise.org. There is a waitlist for hiking, biking, or van tours, and guests can be added to the list by emailing info@tippetrise.org with preferred dates.

Catch the full story at montanafreepress.org.

Thank you to my friend Mary Kate Teske, who accompanied me on the journey, for the image.

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